AZAYA ORGANIC SENDHA NAMAK Considered one of the healthiest forms of salt, in Ayurveda- the Sendha Namak or Pink Rock Salt is the purest type of salt that is devoid of any chemical components. It contains less amount of sodium chloride as compared to your regular salt and contains various nutrients like potassium, copper and calcium. Rock salt or sendha namak, as it is popularly known, is a favourite of those fasting during the auspicious days of Navratri. This is the only type of 'salt' consumed during these nine days. Rock salt is the purest form of salt - unprocessed and raw, devoid of environmental pollutants and chemical components. "It contains 84 out of the 92 trace elements required by the body including potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper and so on. It's a superior salt, according to Ayurveda
Azaya Sendha Namak 250gm
Key Health Benefits
✓ Helps treat cough, cold and stomach conditions
✓ Aids digestion
✓ May improve skin health